

Low Speed Polisher 38KG | Single Disc Machine

Klenco Cyclone S380 merupakan mesin polisher (Single Disc Machine) dengan brush pressure 38kg. Mesin Polisher ini cocok digunakan untuk memoles atau membersihkan lantai. Design motor mesin yang “off-center” membuat Cyclone S380 nyaman digunakan karena tidak ada dorongan ke user.

*Pembelian Klenco Cyclone S380 dilengkapi dengan 1pcs Pad Holder dan 1pcs Brush.


Product by: Klenco Singapore


SPEED 165 rpm

POWER 1300 watt

CYCLONE S380 Features


  • Fibre glass reinforced PVC handle.
  • 5 Amps power socket incorporated for vacuum unit or foam generator.
  • Safety sensor to prevent machine operation in upright position.
  • Off-site motor placement provides optimal balancing and fatigue-free operation.
  • Class H (180oC) rated motor insulation for longer running life.
  • Gear drive with dust sealed motor requires no maintenance.
  • Low sound level suitable for noise sensitive environments such as hospitals and office buildings.
  • Low profile motor for good cleaning access under furniture and fittings.
  • Powder coated aluminum alloy machine body is visually attractive, endures the hardest knocks and stays rust free.

Capacitors housed in separate casing from motor body to prevent overheating.

CYCLONE S380 Spesifications

  • Speed: 165 rpm
  • Brush Pressure: 38 kg
  • Power supply: 220 – 240 v
  • Power Rating: 1300 watt
  • Noise level: 60 dB(A)
  • Cable length: 12 meter
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